How to build a LEGO Town: Part 4 – LEGO Digital Designer

LEGO Town Part 4 LEGO Digital DesignerIf you have begun to plan your LEGO town, one of the best tools you can use is called the LEGO Digital Designer.

This is a free piece of software you can download to create all kinds of LEGO stuff. My husband uses it all the time. The LEGO creations in the above image were made using the LEGO Digital Designer.

What is so great about this piece of software?

  1. SaveĀ the design to update later. Maybe you don’t have time to create a bank in one sitting. You can start it and come back later when you’re done with that nine to five job.
  2. Goes beyond just the shape. It’s not just the blue prints for a building. You can throw in colors and people to see where you want things to be placed and how they will look.
  3. Inventory list. It will tell you how many of each brick is needed to create the design. To me, this is the best part of the software. After you’ve spent hours designing your LEGO creation, you can easily download the amount of bricks needed to a spreadsheet. It will tell you how much you need of each piece to create the design in real life.

Treehouse (LEGO Affiliate Link)

One of the fun things you can also do is take a current set and load it in there. Then you can virtually modify it! Maybe you want a two story Treehouse? No problem. Of course, you will have to load in the information yourself, which could take time.

However, I did find a website where some people post their creations and include the LEGO Digital designer instructions. There are some pretty cool designs on that site. People can get pretty imaginative!

By the way, my husband is starting up his LEGO blog. He’s the real expert and will be posting about all of his wonderful creations twice a month. You can also read more about the LEGO town he’s been building.

Below are theĀ other posts in my How to build a LEGO town series:

Part 1: Prep and planning

Part 2: Sets

Part 3: Pick-a-brick Hack

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