>New Year’s Resolution: Be Grateful

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>While most people are attempting to make New Year’s resolutions they will fail at by February 5th, I thought I’d make a list of things for which I am grateful that happened in 2010: 

  • The birth of my second nephew – If all babies were like him, I think more people would have kids
  • Celebrating my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary – quite an accomplishment and a great party
  • Celebrating both of my parents’ 60th birthdays – my Dad tried to scare us a few years ago and almost didn’t make it
  • Visiting with my great aunt from New Hampshire – she’s like another grandmother
  • Connecting with a long lost relative – thanks to Ancestry.com
  • Losing weight without being on a “diet” – keeping sweets out of the house helps
  • Going on a trip to LA with an old friend – One of the many great things about Sacramento. If you lived here, you’d understand.
  • Learning about my ancestors and their roles in history – Settling California for the Spanish is just one of the things they did.
  • Meeting new people in real life thanks to my blog, tweetups and SacBee Connect – You all know who you are and hope to hang out again soon!
  • My foray into the world of online dating – 16 dates with 12 men (at last count) and that last one was quite good.

Good luck in 2011!

2 thoughts on “>New Year’s Resolution: Be Grateful

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