Tag Archives: video games

Video games: Mario weeps for you.

I’m worried about the next generation of kids.  I read this article yesterday on Play4Real and it basically says they can’t finish the first level of the original Super Mario Bros. That’s world 1-1…they can’t get to the flag at the end.  My junior high school self scoffs at them. Seriously, what is wrong with these people?  The game couldn’t… Read more »

Get out of my mind!

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I’m not sure how it started, but I can’t stop playing Candy Crush Saga.  OK, obviously that’s not true because I’m not playing it right now.  But it has seeped into my subconscious.  I do know that it all began on Facebook. Did you ever play Tetris as a kid? Then you had Tetris dreams like I did.  It’s not… Read more »

You kids and your video games!

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Short of shaking my fist in the air, I am confused by today’s video games. Back in my day, they were simple. Super Mario Brothers was simple. You ran to the right and jumped over (or shot at) whatever got in your way. Tetris, never ended. It just got faster and more anxiety laden. The bricks never stopped! Pac-Man? Just… Read more »