Category Archives: shopping

Five money saving tips for your wedding (that could save your sanity too)

Congratulations! You are engaged! Now begins the fun of planning the marital celebration. It can be overwhelming, and you’ll probably get stressed out, so I’ve come up with five money saving tips for planning your wedding. Money saving tips for weddings #1: Make a plan and a calendar Chart out what you need to buy and when, so you don’t… Read more »

Car shopping and other nightmares

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Minnesota, you are forcing my hand. What the heck is up with your roads?  I thought the roads in Sacramento were bad.  Uh, no. They are fancy and fine. I’ve heard a saying that Midwesterners have…”There’s two seasons here. Winter and road construction.” Really?  Have you seen your roads Minnesota? Holy crap. Look at this road….LOOK AT IT! I would… Read more »

Wedding Dress Blues

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My wedding is almost a month away. I can hardly believe it. You know what else is unbelievable?  I found a wedding dress that I love. Also? It cost me less than $50. Seriously. And I bought it online. Now, it’s not a traditional white dress.  That’s not my style.  I’ve watched those Say Yes to the Dress shows and… Read more »