Category Archives: pop culture


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>What the hell happened to Jump the Shark? I used to go to that site whenever I really needed a good laugh. The comments by people were priceless. They would bring up episodes long buried in my memory…probably for good reason. Now it’s been sanitized into a TV Guide blog. All the funny comments are gone. The giant list of… Read more »

>What can I say?

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>It’s Valentine’s day (again) and I’m not celebrating it (again). I’m trying to change my mind about the whole thing, get a different perspective. I’ve read tweets (or twits as I like to call them), craigslist ads and Facebook statuses and it seems like everyone has this idea of how one is supposed to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Personally, I’d like… Read more »

>Freedom of Expression

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>I just a Botox commercial and that was their tag line. Shouldn’t that be Freedom FROM Expression? Isn’t that what Botox does to your face? It removes all vestiges of expression you’ve had or will have for a while. From what I can remember it literally it freezes or paralyzes the muscles. I’m not a fan of injecting food poisoning… Read more »