Category Archives: pop culture

>Blast from the Past

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>I was looking for some toothpaste when I remembered a brand I used to use in high school. Wondering if they still make Close Up? Turns out that they do! I just bought some at Target. It’s probably made in China and filled with melamine, but I’m hoping it still tastes cinnamon-y good. Do you remember those commercials from the… Read more »

>My newest addiction

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>For whatever reason, I just love playing Bejeweled on Facebook. Seriously, there has to be some sort of subliminal mind control on that thing. Once in a while, I find myself having flashes of moving those circles, diamonds and squares. It’s a little like the Tetris and Dr. Mario obsession I had in the early 90’s. Now that I think… Read more »

>Summer Reading

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>Because my sister wouldn’t stop talking about how great it was, I started reading the Twilight series. Within a week or so I’ve plowed through three of the books and have started the fourth. The first book was great. The second sucked and the third didn’t make up for the crapfest of the second book. Now, I’m in the fourth… Read more »