Category Archives: pop culture

>Double Edged Sword

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>As much as I enjoy texting because it frees me from having to actually converse with people when I don’t really have the time or the desire, I think some people are being hurt by it. Basically, there are some people whose only form of written communication is via SMS. What this results in is a person who thinks the… Read more »

>Why I Won’t Be Watching the Winter Olympics

>The Winter Olympics are my favorite version of the Olympics, but NBC is screwing with them. The games in Vancouver are in the same damn time zone as Sacramento, but we in the United States and Pacific Time Zone won’t be seeing them live. The almighty East Coast will though! Why? Because NBC in their infinite wisdom wants to charge… Read more »

>What in the?

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>The folks over at the Peevery did a post on this scary homeless guy. They talked about how the photo was used for a “Mom’s going back to school” ad on Facebook. I’m not sure if this is a joke by a disgruntled marketing exec or a brilliant marketing ploy to drum up some SEO, but someone used the same… Read more »

>Not sure why they are popular…

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>While shopping with my mom, I saw a pair of Uggs on sale. I didn’t realize how much they cost, probably because I wouldn’t be caught dead in them. Why the hell would you spend almost $200 on footwear that is neither Italian nor designer? They look like bland mukluks. If I spend that much on a pair of boots… Read more »

>Simpler Times?

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>I’m not sure why anyone would want to be famous in this day and age. All your stupid decisions and dirty laundry are laid bare for the world to scrutinize. It’s bad enough worrying about what the hell your family and friends will think about the idiotic choices you made. I can’t imagine having those episodes blasted across the TV… Read more »