>Blast from the Past

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>I was looking for some toothpaste when I remembered a brand I used to use in high school. Wondering if they still make Close Up? Turns out that they do! I just bought some at Target. It’s probably made in China and filled with melamine, but I’m hoping it still tastes cinnamon-y good.

Do you remember those commercials from the 80s and 90s with that silly jingle

Want love? Get Close-up. When you’re close up that’s when Close-up counts. Whiter teeth and a fresh mouth. It’s that nicest thing that you can do. Do it for me and I’ll do it for you. Want love? Get Close-up.

I found a version over on YouTube to refresh your memory.

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>Blast from the Past

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>I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ve gotten emails from two friends from high school. I haven’t talked to either of them in almost 10 years. It’s funny, but I can’t even remember why I stopped talking to them. Probably because our lives just diverged; all of us took different paths making it difficult to keep in touch.

It’s a new thing for me to reconnect with an old friend. Most of my friendships ended because the friends turned out to be psycho or they just moved so far away that I forgot about them.

I wish one of the guys I had a crush on in high school would look me up. It’s probably better that they don’t. With my luck, the guy would end up being an asshole. I would rather keep my happy image of him.

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